Prostatitis is an annoying disease for men, not only because of the low cure rate, but also because of its symptoms. Prostatitis can bring urgent urination, difficult or painful urination, fever, low-back pain, frequent urination and other symptoms to men. But among those symptoms, frequent urination is the one should be pay attention to.
What are the complications of acute prostatitis?
There are two types of prostatitis. One is acute prostatitis and the other is chronic prostatitis. Chronic prostatitis commonly develops from improper treatment of acute prostatitis. Thus timely and proper treatment for acute prostatitis is important. Here are the complications of acute prostatitis:
What is the most effective way for Wuhan TCM to treat adenomyosis? It is a topic concerned by a lot of adenomyosis patients, especially the one that hope to treat it without side effects. As we all know, Chinese medicine treatment has won the trust of patients with the factors of safety and no side effects since ancient times. So here, we will take a look at whether Wuhan TCM is the most effective way to adenomyosis.
It is known that middle-aged people are most likely to suffer from prostatitis. However, according to the report, teenagers have become the high-risk groups of prostatitis. The followings are the three main causes of prostatitis for teenagers.